Local needs assessments
Berkshire West Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2021-2030
Strategy document
Each Health and Wellbeing Board has a statutory duty to produce a Health and Wellbeing Strategy, providing a commitment to improving health and wellbeing by setting out priorities for where members of the Board will
work together in planning and delivering local services.
In 2019, the HWBs for Reading, West Berkshire and Wokingham took the decision to develop a shared Health and Wellbeing Strategy with the
NHS Integrated Care Board to make even more improvements in health.
This Strategy has been developed by working closely with local partners from health, social care, local authorities and the voluntary sector
along with residents of the three areas.
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022-2025
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment main report
A PNA is the statement for the needs of pharmaceutical services of the population in a specific area. It sets out a statement of the pharmaceutical services which are currently provided, together with when and where these are available to a given population.
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Supplementary Statements
Supplementary Statements record minor changes to the availability of pharmaceutical services during the 3-year term of the PNA that are relevant for the granting of pharmacy applications by NHS England. Once issued, the Supplementary Statement(s) become part of the PNA.
Map of local pharmacies
Berkshire West Drug and Alcohol Needs Assessment 2022
Berkshire West Drug and Alcohol needs assessment
This report is an assessment of the available data describing how the population of Berkshire West is affected by problem drug and alcohol use. This includes direct and wider harms. It provides the local Combatting Drugs Partnership (CDP) a quantitative baseline on which to develop a plan of action to reduce drug and alcohol-related harm. This is part of a continual, iterative process of review and improvement.
Berkshire West Drug and Alcohol Needs Assessment 2022 – summary slide deck
Public Health Annual Report 2021/22
Public Health Annual Report
Our 2021/22 Public Health Annual Report focuses on food and how we can help tackle climate change, one meal at a time
Public Health Annual Report 2023/24
Public Health in West Berkshire
Our Ambitions, Our Journey
Berkshire West Stop Smoking needs assessment 2020
Berkshire West Stop Smoking Needs Assessment
A health needs assessment was carried out in 2020 to assess the current picture of tobacco use in Berkshire West and any gaps in provision. This aimed to inform decision making on future provision of Local Stop Smoking Services.
Berkshire West 0-19s Health Needs Assessment 2020
Berkshire West 0-19s Health Needs Assessment
The local authorities in Wokingham, Reading and West Berkshire have taken the decision to jointly commission the Healthy Child Programme and therefore services for children and young people aged 0-19 years. This Berkshire West 0-19 Health Needs Assessment (HNA) was undertaken in order to inform the commissioning process.
Library Community Needs Assessment for West Berkshire
West Berkshire libraries needs assessment
This report presents a community needs assessment for the library service in West Berkshire. Its findings will be an input into the process of reviewing the council’s library service.
Berkshire West healthy weight needs assessment 2020
Berkshire West healthy weight needs assessment 2020
The aim of the review is to inform future healthy weight work including; the prevention agenda, weight management, planning for joint commissioning in 2021 and consideration of next steps in line with working towards a whole systems approach to obesity. The review examines the prevalence of overweight and obesity across the lifecourse and identifies the current unmet need for preventing and treating excess weight and obesity in Berkshire West. The report concludes with evidenced based recommendations.
Local Websites
West Berkshire Council Strategies and plans
Link to Strategies, Policies and Plans
All of West Berkshire Councils published strategies, policies, and plans including the Council vision corporate-wider strategies (e.g. the latest Council Strategy); and service level strategies (e.g. the Adult Social Care Strategy)
The Berkshire Observatory
Each of the three Local Authorities in Berkshire West has its own Observatory site as well as there been a site covering all of Berkshire, and Berkshire West. These can be accessed using the links below:
Berkshire Public Health
The Berkshire Public Health website is packed with health and wellbeing news and information for all Berkshire residents. It also acts as a landing site which links to other Berkshire Public health sites.
National websites
Health and wellbeing
- Fingertips Public Health Profiles: Published by the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID), providing profiles on topics covering health, wellbeing, and their wider determinants.
- Strategic Health Asset Planning and Evaluation (SHAPE): For NHS and local authority staff, provided to support the strategic planning of services and assets across a whole health economy.
- PHE Data and Analysis Tools: A list of resources provided by OHID, covering a wide range of public health areas including specific health conditions, lifestyle risk factors, wider determinants of health, and health protection.
- NHS Digital: Collects, manages and publishes a wide range of statistics and data relevant to health and care system.
- GOV.UK Coronavirus Dashboard: A summary of key information about the COVID-19 pandemic at various geographical levels, including data on cases, testing, deaths, vaccinations and hospitalisations.
- COVID-19 Health Inequalities and Recovery Tool for the South East (CHIRTSE): Developed by OHID to demonstrate the immediate impacts of COVID-19 on health inequalities on the population under four main sections: wider determinants of health, behavioural risk factors, primary care and secondary care.
- NHS Hearing Loss Data Tool: Developed by NHS England to show prevalence of hearing loss within local populations.
Population and Demographics
- Census 2021 website: It features topic summaries on various themes; as well as interactive maps that explores data down to neighbourhood level, and a summary on how life has changed in Wokingham since the last census.
- NOMIS: Published by the Office for National Statistics to give statistics on population, society and the labour market at national, regional and local levels. A local authority report on Wokingham is available. Users can also search for local area reports which go down to smaller geographical areas.
- Green Infrastructure Web Portal: Published by Natural England containing information and a mapping tool that shows information about the natural environment.
- Sewage in Rivers map: Published by the Rivers Trust showing where the sewerage network discharges treated sewage and overflows of untreated sewage and storm water into rivers
- Green Space Index: Fields in Trust’s barometer of publicly accessible park and green space provision. Published annually it takes stock of the nation’s quantity of local parks and green spaces and provides analysis on their impact
GOV.UK research and statistics pages: Providing data from government departments such as the Department for Education